| __construct (BasicBot &$bot) |
bool | connect (array $params) |
| Open a database connection using PDO. More...
bool | addUser ($chat_id) |
| Add a user to the database. More...
int | broadcastMessage (string $text, string $reply_markup=null, string $parse_mode='HTML', bool $disable_web_preview=true, bool $disable_notification=false) |
| Send a message to every user available on the database. More...
static array | addDefaultValue (array $params) |
static string | getDns ($params) |
| $pdo |
| $user_table = 'User' |
| Table contaning bot users data in the SQL database.
| $pdo |
| $user_table = 'User' |
| Table contaning bot users data in the SQL database.
| $id_column = 'chat_id' |
| Name of the column that represents the user id in the sql database.
| sanitizeUserTable () |
| sanitizeUserTable () |
◆ $pdo
PhpBotFramework\Database\Database::$pdo |
PDO connection to the database.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
- src/Database/Database.php