Cppgram  1.0.0
Easy and modern C++14 Telegram Bot API wrapper
Respond to updates

Answer to updates coming from users. More...


std::function< void(T &, const types::Message &)> processMessage = nullptr
 Pointer to the function that will be called on each message sent by the user.
void(* processEditedMessage )(T &, const types::Message &) = nullptr
 Pointer to the function that will be called on each edited message by the user.
void(* processChannelPost )(T &, const types::Message &) = nullptr
 Pointer to the function that will be called on each message received in a channel.
void(* processEditedChannelPost )(T &, const types::Message &) = nullptr
 Pointer to the function that will be called on each message modified in a channel.
void(* processInlineQuery )(T &, const types::InlineQuery &) = nullptr
 Pointer to the function that will be called on each inline query.
void(* processChosenInlineResult )(T &, const types::ChosenInlineResult &) = nullptr
 Pointer to the function that will be called on each inline query choosed by the user.
void(* processCallbackQuery )(T &, const types::CallbackQuery &) = nullptr
 Pointer to the funciton that will be called on each callback query.

Detailed Description

Answer to updates coming from users.