PhpBotFramework  2.0.2
A framework for Telegram Bots' APIs.
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
PhpBotFramework\Test\TestBot Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PhpBotFramework\Test\TestBot:
PhpBotFramework\Bot PhpBotFramework\Test\FakeUpdate PhpBotFramework\BasicBot PhpBotFramework\Database\Getter PhpBotFramework\Database\LongPolling PhpBotFramework\Core\CoreBot PhpBotFramework\Commands\CommandHandler PhpBotFramework\Core\Updates PhpBotFramework\Core\Send PhpBotFramework\Core\Edit PhpBotFramework\Core\Inline PhpBotFramework\Core\Chat

Public Member Functions

 processMessage (Message $message)
 initCommandsWrap ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Bot
 __construct (string $token)
 Construct an empty bot. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\BasicBot
 __construct (string $token)
 Construct an empty base bot. More...
 processWebhookUpdate ()
 Get update and process it. More...
 getUpdatesLocal (int $limit=100, int $timeout=60)
 Get updates received by the bot, and hold the offset in $offset. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\CoreBot
 __construct (string $token)
int getChatID ()
 Get chat ID of the current user. More...
 setChatID ($chat_id)
 Set current chat ID. More...
int getBotID ()
 Get bot ID using getMe method. More...
mixed apiRequest (string $method, array $parameters)
 Execute any API request using this method. More...
 checkRequestError ($response)
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Updates
 setWebhook (array $params)
 Set bot's webhook. More...
Array false getWebhookInfo ()
 Get information about bot's webhook. More...
 deleteWebhook ()
 Delete bot's webhook. More...
Array false getUpdates (int $offset=0, int $limit=100, int $timeout=60)
 Request bot updates. More...
 setUpdateReturned (array $allowed_updates=[])
 Set updates received by the bot for getUpdates handling. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Send
Message false sendMessage ($text, string $reply_markup=null, int $reply_to=null, string $parse_mode='HTML', bool $disable_web_preview=true, bool $disable_notification=false)
 Send a text message. More...
Message false forwardMessage ($from_chat_id, int $message_id, bool $disable_notification=false)
 Forward a message. More...
Message false sendPhoto (&$photo, string $reply_markup=null, string $caption='', bool $disable_notification=false)
 Send a photo. More...
Message false sendAudio ($audio, string $caption=null, string $reply_markup=null, int $duration=null, string $performer, string $title=null, bool $disable_notification=false, int $reply_to_message_id=null)
 Send an audio. More...
Message false sendDocument (string $document, string $caption='', string $reply_markup=null, bool $disable_notification=false, int $reply_to_message_id=null)
 Send a document. More...
Message false sendSticker ($sticker, string $reply_markup=null, bool $disable_notification=false, int $reply_to_message_id=null)
 Send a sticker. More...
Message false sendVoice ($voice, string $caption, int $duration, string $reply_markup=null, bool $disable_notification, int $reply_to_message_id=0)
 Send audio files. More...
bool sendChatAction (string $action)
 Say the user what action bot's going to do. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Edit
Message false editMessageText (int $message_id, string $text, string $reply_markup=null, string $parse_mode='HTML', bool $disable_web_preview=true)
 Edit text of a message sent by the bot. More...
bool editInlineMessageText (string $inline_message_id, string $text, string $reply_markup=null, string $parse_mode='HTML', bool $disable_web_preview=false)
 Edit text of a message sent via the bot. More...
Message false editMessageReplyMarkup (int $message_id, string $inline_keyboard)
 Edit only the inline keyboard of a message. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Inline
bool answerCallbackQuery ($text='', $show_alert=false, string $url='')
 Answer a callback query. More...
bool answerInlineQuery (string $results='', string $switch_pm_text='', $switch_pm_parameter='', bool $is_personal=true, int $cache_time=300)
 Answer a inline query (when the user write "Query") with a button, that will make user switch to the private chat with the bot, on the top of the results. Api reference More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Chat
Array false getMe ()
 A simple method for testing bot's auth token. More...
Array false getChat ($chat_id)
 Get info about a chat. More...
Array false getChatAdministrators ($chat_id)
 Use this method to get the list of chat's administrators. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Commands\CommandHandler
 addCommand (BasicCommand $command)
 Add a command to the bot. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Database\Getter
PDO getPdo ()
 Get PDO object. More...
Redis getRedis ()
 Get Redis object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Database\LongPolling
 getUpdates (int $offset=0, int $limit=100, int $timeout=60)
 getUpdatesRedis (int $limit=100, int $timeout=60, string $offset_key='offset')
 Get updates received by the bot, and use Redis to save and get the last offset. More...
 getUpdatesDatabase (int $limit=100, int $timeout=0, string $table_name='telegram', string $column_name='bot_offset')
 Get updates received by the bot, using the SQL database to store and get the last offset. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Test\FakeUpdate
int processFakeUpdate (array $update)
 Process fake update for testing purpose. More...

Public Attributes

 $message_id = 0
- Public Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Bot
 Store the inline keyboard.
 Database handler object.
 Redis connection.
 Localization handler object.
 Status handler object.
- Public Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\CoreBot
- Public Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Database\Getter

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Commands\CommandHandler
static int sortingPrior ($a, $b)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\BasicBot
int processUpdate (array $update)
 processMessage (Message $message)
 Called every message received by the bot. More...
 processCallbackQuery (CallbackQuery $callback_query)
 Called every callback query received by the bot. More...
 processInlineQuery (InlineQuery $inline_query)
 Called every inline query received by the bot. More...
 processChosenInlineResult (ChosenInlineResult $chosen_inline_result)
 Called every chosen inline result received by the bot. More...
 processEditedMessage (Message $edited_message)
 Called every chosen edited message received by the bot. More...
 processChannelPost (Message $post)
 Called every new post in the channel where the bot is in. More...
 processEditedChannelPost (Message $edited_post)
 Called every time a post get edited in the channel where the bot is in. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\CoreBot
mixed processRequest (string $method, string $class='', $file=false)
PhpBotFramework Entities File false checkCurrentFile ()
Array false execRequest (string $url)
Array false execMultipartRequest (string $url)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Updates
 execRequest (string $url)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Send
 execRequest (string $url)
 processRequest (string $method, string $class, $file)
 checkCurrentFile (TelegramFile $file)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Edit
 execRequest (string $url)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Inline
 execRequest (string $url)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Chat
 execRequest (string $url)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Commands\CommandHandler
 initCommands ()
bool processCommands (array $update)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PhpBotFramework\Database\LongPolling
 initCommands ()
int getUpdateOffsetRedis (string $offset_key)
int getUpdateOffsetDatabase (string $table_name, string $column_name)
- Protected Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\BasicBot
- Protected Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\CoreBot
- Protected Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Send
- Protected Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Edit
- Protected Attributes inherited from PhpBotFramework\Core\Inline

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