A framework for Telegram Bots' APIs.
▼NPhpBotFramework | |
▼NCommands | |
CAdminCommand | |
CBasicCommand | |
CCallbackCommand | |
CCommandHandler | |
CMessageCommand | |
CMessageRegexCommand | |
CMultiCharacterCommand | |
▼NCore | |
CChat | All API Methods that involve chats data and info |
CCoreBot | Core of the framework |
CEdit | All API Methods that edit a message |
CInline | All inline API Methods |
CSend | All API Methods that send a message (text based or not) |
CUpdates | All API Methods that get updates from telegram or handle webhooks |
▼NDatabase | |
CDatabase | |
CGetter | Get PDO and redis object from bot, if any |
CLongPolling | Use getUpdates saving and getting offset in Redis and database |
CUser | |
▼NEntities | |
CCallbackQuery | This object represents an incoming callback query from a callback button in an inline keyboard |
CChosenInlineResult | Represents the result of an inline query that was chosen by the user |
CEntityAccess | |
CFile | |
CInlineKeyboard | Inline Keyboard handler that create and handle inline keyboard buttons |
CInlineQuery | |
CInlineQueryResults | Handle and store results before sending them to an answerInlineQuery API call |
CMessage | This object represents a message |
CText | Contains text helper methods |
▼NExceptions | |
CBotException | |
▼NLocalization | |
CButton | |
CFile | Handle localizations files, load them from disk |
CLocalization | |
CLocalizedString | Get a localized string using user language and localization files |
▼NTest | |
CFakeUpdate | |
CTestBot | |
▼NUtilities | |
CBotState | Handle users status |
CPaginator | Delimitate items in one page |
CBasicBot | |
CBot | Bot class to handle updates and commands |