PhpBotFramework  2.0.2
A framework for Telegram Bots' APIs.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CChatAll API Methods that involve chats data and info
 CCoreBotCore of the framework
 CEditAll API Methods that edit a message
 CInlineAll inline API Methods
 CSendAll API Methods that send a message (text based or not)
 CUpdatesAll API Methods that get updates from telegram or handle webhooks
 CGetterGet PDO and redis object from bot, if any
 CLongPollingUse getUpdates saving and getting offset in Redis and database
 CCallbackQueryThis object represents an incoming callback query from a callback button in an inline keyboard
 CChosenInlineResultRepresents the result of an inline query that was chosen by the user
 CInlineKeyboardInline Keyboard handler that create and handle inline keyboard buttons
 CInlineQueryResultsHandle and store results before sending them to an answerInlineQuery API call
 CMessageThis object represents a message
 CTextContains text helper methods
 CFileHandle localizations files, load them from disk
 CLocalizedStringGet a localized string using user language and localization files
 CBotStateHandle users status
 CPaginatorDelimitate items in one page
 CBotBot class to handle updates and commands